
Financial assistance can be provided for qualifying businesses. Most of Polk County is included in an Enhanced Enterprise Zone. Also two of the four county’s Census tracts were named Opportunity Zones in 2018. The city, county and the state may offer other incentives to qualifying businesses.

Enhanced Enterprise Zone

Polk County can offer eligible businesses local real property tax abatements if located within the designated Enhanced Enterprise Zone. Communities with designated zones can offer local incentives, as well as connect them with state incentives through the Missouri Works program (Zone Works category).

For more information, contact Gail Noggle at [email protected].

Logo of Missouri Department of Economic Development

Opportunity Zone


Two census tracts in Polk County, including parts of Bolivar, were named Qualified Opportunity Zones in 2018. For more information on Opportunity Zones and Economic Development, click here.

For more information, contact Gail Noggle at [email protected].

Other Incentives

Contact Gail Noggle at [email protected]. for more information on state and local incentives for which you might qualify.